Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (2017 - 2021):
- Attained a firm understanding of many programing concepts such as Database Management Systems, Threading, and Functional Programing languages.
- Reinforced previous knowledge of Object Oriented Programming and polymorphism, as well as the use of IoT devices.
- Gained knowledge in deep learning by learning how to design deep convolutional neural networks to solve complex problems.
- Developed basic applications using C++ to solve problems such as a library management system, maze solver using Breadth-first search and Depth-first search.
- Created a console based game using Java similar to the classic Zork game. - Created a Social Distancing sensing System as senior design project
- Designed a smart irrigation system using Raspberry Pi which can be interacted both physically via a keypad, LCD, NFC reader and remotely via a python flash server.
International Baccalaureate (2015 - 2017):
- Studied Computer Science as High Level Subject
- Understood the fundamental concepts of computational concepts such as data structures, algorithms, and object-oriented programming
- Established a strong understanding of the fundamentals of programming using Java
- Developed a Java application tracking the blood sugar levels of a diabetic patient
International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) (2013 - 2015)
- Studied Computer Science
- Understood basic hardware concepts and devices such as the fetch-decode-execute cycle, memory, registers, and serial and parallel transmission.
- Developed basic telemetry sensing and control systems using logic gates.
- Created a BMI measurement recording system application using Python to track the weight and height of school students.
- Studied various networking concepts such as TCP/IP, Internet Security attacks i.e. pharming, phishing
- DEV277x: Object Oriented Programming in Java
- APP1x: Build your very first iOS app
- HP Cloud Computing - American University of Sharjah
Designed and Developed By Karim Hassan
Made with Tailwindcss, Radix-Ui, Shadcn-Ui, React, NextJs, t3-app, Typescript, and Turso