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Karim Hassan

Software Engineer

I build things for the web/mobile and CLI tools.

Work History

Tech Unicorn
CX Unicorn
Deira International School

Tech Unicorn

Software Engineer

Jun 2021 - Present

Serve as Full-Stack software engineer and technical lead on a variety of company projects. My primary focus is on the development of the company's internal applications, tools and systems. Actively participate in the development of the company's external applications and systems. Manage and maintain the company's infrastructure and cloud services. Lead a team of multi-disciplinary software engineers and developers in the development and prototyping of new applications and systems.


  • Worked on over 8 large scale React applications in different capacities including as a technical lead, senior software engineer and frontend architect.
  • Led and Implemented Audio Transcrption and Translation for the company's video conferencing application.
  • Spearheaded the engineering and development efforts for the company's integration with third-party video conferencing application Zoom.
  • Aided in the migration to use Turbo Repo as the primary monorepo for frontend applications.
  • Intoduced t3-oss/create-t3-app as the main stack for new frontend applications and projects requiring server-side rendering or static site generation.
  • Migrating the primary UI Styleguide to use TailwindCSS and Radix-ui for a more consistent and accessible UI with extendable integration with UI libraries such as shadcn-ui and headlessui.
  • Responsible for introducing and maintaining applications built with alternative frontend frameworks such as Svelte, Solid-js and Astro.
  • Extensively used state management libraries such as Redux and Zustand, Redux-Observable and for state management in large scale applications and React-Query for data fetching and caching.


  • Spearheaded the engineering and development efforts for a third of the company's backend applications in a large microservice architecture totaling over 83 services in a variety of languages mainly golang with some rust, nodejs, and c# depending on the use case.
  • Serve as one of three technical leads and a senior software engineer on the company's golang based microservice architecture as well as the primary technical lead and senior software engineer on the company's nodejs based microservice architecture.
  • Developed a plethora of golang based microservices and tools for a variety of use cases including but not limited to: REST and GraphQL APIs, gRPC services, CLI tools, CRON jobs, Websockets and TCP servers.
  • Migratied Legacy .NET applications to golang increasing overall performance and reducing the number of servers required to run the application whilst reducing the overall cost of running the application by a mere 80% and request latency down from and average of 28 seconds to approximately 120ms.
  • Conducted many code reviews and pair programming sessions with team members to ensure code quality and consistency.
  • Worked on multiple rust and golang based data-ingestion endpoints and pipelines for the company's data science team and dashboards.
  • Intoduced oven-sh/bun to the tech stack for nodejs based web jobs and simple atomic web services.
  • Heavily contributed to the engineering and architecture of the company's primary Event Based Microservice Architecture on top RabbitMQ Exchanges and queues.


  • Co-Manage the company's infrastructure and cloud services.

  • Responsible for the company's migration to use docker based deployments.

  • Heavily Contibuted to company's migration to kubernetes and docker.

  • Created and maintained the company's CI/CD pipelines.

  • Integreated ArgoCD into the company's CI/CD pipelines for automated GitOps based deployments.

  • Protyped and implemented ArgoCD alternative FluxCD for GitOps based deployments.

  • Setup and maintained many of the company's Prometheus and Grafana based monitoring stack with AlertManager and Loki for logging and backup to blob storage containers in Azure.

  • Installed and Configured RabbitMQ, Redis, Postgres, CockroachDB and ElasticSearch clusters for the company's microservice architecture.


Technologies I have used




















Apache Cassandra

Apache Cassandra

Elastic Search

Elastic Search







Currently Listening To

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Designed and Developed By Karim Hassan
Made with Tailwindcss, Radix-Ui, Shadcn-Ui, React, NextJs, t3-app, Typescript, and Turso